Posts Tagged: life

…and you wonder

‎”A dream without an action is a pen without ink.” Shakanova

…and you wonder

‎”A dream without an action is a pen without ink.” Shakanova


“Nowadays you don’t only work to fill your stomach; you work to fill your resume.” Shakanova


“Nowadays you don’t only work to fill your stomach; you work to fill your resume.” Shakanova


“It takes a man to travel, to appreciate where he’s from.” Shakanova


“It takes a man to travel, to appreciate where he’s from.” Shakanova

Brutal Beauty

“Winter comes with a chilling breeze, yet so beautiful. The rainbow-leaves drop from the harden trees, yet so beautiful. It makes me wonder how something so brutal be so beautiful.” Shakanova

Brutal Beauty

“Winter comes with a chilling breeze, yet so beautiful. The rainbow-leaves drop from the harden trees, yet so beautiful. It makes me wonder how something so brutal be so beautiful.” Shakanova


“Trust is to a relationship, as cement is to a brick-house.” Shakanova


“Trust is to a relationship, as cement is to a brick-house.” Shakanova

True Friendship

“Friendship is like a train; many people will ride it, most will get off earlier than others but only a few will stay until the last stop.” Shakanova

True Friendship

“Friendship is like a train; many people will ride it, most will get off earlier than others but only a few will stay until the last stop.” Shakanova

The Pen of Life

‎”Take a pen and paper; and write. Don’t think, just write. Whatever comes to mind, just write. Don’t try to make sense, just write. Don’t stop and reread what you wrote, just write. And when the page is full; read.”

The Pen of Life

‎”Take a pen and paper; and write. Don’t think, just write. Whatever comes to mind, just write. Don’t try to make sense, just write. Don’t stop and reread what you wrote, just write. And when the page is full; read.”

Precious Life

“A life is like a tree. When you cut down a tree; you’ve killed its thousands of branches and leaves. Therefore when you take a life; you’ve killed its thousands and millions of offsprings.” Shakanova

Precious Life

“A life is like a tree. When you cut down a tree; you’ve killed its thousands of branches and leaves. Therefore when you take a life; you’ve killed its thousands and millions of offsprings.” Shakanova

Clean up

Muslims spend too much time criticizing western ways of life and other religions, instead of criticizing those Muslims who put bombs on themselves and blow up mosques and innocent people in the name of “Islam”. If you have a dirty

Clean up

Muslims spend too much time criticizing western ways of life and other religions, instead of criticizing those Muslims who put bombs on themselves and blow up mosques and innocent people in the name of “Islam”. If you have a dirty


‎”When fighting for a cause, listen to the counterattacks without biases. When your learnings are just to strengthen your founded beliefs, and not to self attack to test their coherency, you will forever be lost in the mist of your


‎”When fighting for a cause, listen to the counterattacks without biases. When your learnings are just to strengthen your founded beliefs, and not to self attack to test their coherency, you will forever be lost in the mist of your