Category Archives: Life

The Pen of Life

‎”Take a pen and paper; and write. Don’t think, just write. Whatever comes to mind, just write. Don’t try to make sense, just write. Don’t stop and reread what you wrote, just write. And when the page is full; read.”

The Pen of Life

‎”Take a pen and paper; and write. Don’t think, just write. Whatever comes to mind, just write. Don’t try to make sense, just write. Don’t stop and reread what you wrote, just write. And when the page is full; read.”

Precious Life

“A life is like a tree. When you cut down a tree; you’ve killed its thousands of branches and leaves. Therefore when you take a life; you’ve killed its thousands and millions of offsprings.” Shakanova

Precious Life

“A life is like a tree. When you cut down a tree; you’ve killed its thousands of branches and leaves. Therefore when you take a life; you’ve killed its thousands and millions of offsprings.” Shakanova

My Journey to Skepticism and Realization.

My journey of skepticism started when I was about 11 years old. It was sparked when two uncles of mines among others where arguing about Religion, African Black magic and myths for hours one night while we were drinking Ataya

My Journey to Skepticism and Realization.

My journey of skepticism started when I was about 11 years old. It was sparked when two uncles of mines among others where arguing about Religion, African Black magic and myths for hours one night while we were drinking Ataya

Good Black Men Are Angry at You

Intimate Relationship is a serious issue in this society that we live in. From the time that our hormones point at the opposite sex at a young age, until we have no more libido left in our system at an

Good Black Men Are Angry at You

Intimate Relationship is a serious issue in this society that we live in. From the time that our hormones point at the opposite sex at a young age, until we have no more libido left in our system at an

The Loving Hand: The Nurturer vs. The Nurtured

Life’s a circle in two stages. We’re born helpless at a young age and die helpless at an old age, well most of the times. Our survival while in these two stages is based on the care of a loving hand

The Loving Hand: The Nurturer vs. The Nurtured

Life’s a circle in two stages. We’re born helpless at a young age and die helpless at an old age, well most of the times. Our survival while in these two stages is based on the care of a loving hand

Arranged African Marriages: A Success Story or A Cultural Woe.

“… African arranged marriages are more successful than American fairy-tale marriages…” Said one passenger with a thick African accent sitting across me, to his skeptical timid friend while on the number 2 train; in an apparently one hour long attempt to

Arranged African Marriages: A Success Story or A Cultural Woe.

“… African arranged marriages are more successful than American fairy-tale marriages…” Said one passenger with a thick African accent sitting across me, to his skeptical timid friend while on the number 2 train; in an apparently one hour long attempt to


So much for the “movies won’t interrupt you, so don’t interrupt the movies” monologue from AMC theater. So yesterday me and my friends decided to go see the Clash of the Titans (“wack” movie by the way) on Time-Square, however


So much for the “movies won’t interrupt you, so don’t interrupt the movies” monologue from AMC theater. So yesterday me and my friends decided to go see the Clash of the Titans (“wack” movie by the way) on Time-Square, however

Summer Time In The Ghetto

I guess the summer is here already, nope not Spring; Summer! And if you live in the ghetto or anywhere near it, then you know what I’m talking about. And if you don’t, let me enlighten you. When the sun

Summer Time In The Ghetto

I guess the summer is here already, nope not Spring; Summer! And if you live in the ghetto or anywhere near it, then you know what I’m talking about. And if you don’t, let me enlighten you. When the sun

The New Dimension: The superegonet

Oh the beauty of the internet. The creation which back-hand-slapped our ancestors, who spent restless hours in the field training birds to deliver messages, whistling to the sky hoping the wind will carry their poems to the ear of the

The New Dimension: The superegonet

Oh the beauty of the internet. The creation which back-hand-slapped our ancestors, who spent restless hours in the field training birds to deliver messages, whistling to the sky hoping the wind will carry their poems to the ear of the

I Apologize.

A year have just fallen behind us, an unforgettable year that is. A year which came with joy and happiness for some while a wrath for others. Nevertheless if you’re reading this, smile. Why? Because you’re lucky enough to do

I Apologize.

A year have just fallen behind us, an unforgettable year that is. A year which came with joy and happiness for some while a wrath for others. Nevertheless if you’re reading this, smile. Why? Because you’re lucky enough to do